My name is Chris St John and I am a software engineer based in the United Kingdom. Since 1993 I’ve been designing software for consumer electronic devices, or “gadgets” – the sort of thing you might not even realise has a computer running inside it.
Everybody is writing software these days – it’s so easy isn’t it? You can bash together a few lines of Python or C++ and it just works.
The troubles come later: perhaps you need to give the software to someone else, or you need to add another feature. Worst, the person who knocked together that handy application has long since left and you’re carrying the can.
Software can be a little like DIY: there are a lot of jobs you can just do yourself but for others, you need to get a professional involved. Sometimes you don’t realise you need a professional until it’s too late.
PRIMUS was created to address a gap in the software services market:
- Short Projects – most consultancies won’t look at a project worth less than £10k
- Full Disclosure – we prefer our clients to repeat business voluntarily
- Fixed Price/Time – we’re prepared to take a risk and go the extra mile to help you succeed

About me
My name is Chris St John and in 2008 I founded PRIMUS which has grown to become an extremely successful privately held software consultancy specialising in mobile, embedded, and mass-market software projects for clients around the world.
Here are some brands I work with:
Want to work with me?